Sunday, 14 August 2011

Life as we know it. -WE-

Hurm basically I don’t really know what to put as the title. I chose WE because it has to do with every person who lives in this world, technically. So here it goes. I hate being myself too much. Sometimes I really do hate myself. I tried to be someone else instead of being me. Being me is like the toughest thing that I ever did. I know it sounded like very much hyperbolic right? *sigh. LAME. Before this, once, I was a hypocrite, I was a loser, a terrible liar and pathetic of course. So I moved on, I changed. I became me, just me. Is it me or being me, that I feel like I like myself before? When I was a pathetic liar, people actually accept me but sadly, not everyone because some of them knew about my ‘mask’. But now, I just, I don’t know anymore.  I feel like being hypocrite to myself and others are much better. Sometimes, you have to tell people lies, you have to be hypocrite, to actually make people like us, for ourselves. If you’re just being yourself, do you think people around you can bear with you? Let’s say if you like to laugh like mad, do people actually like? I bet they don’t. The biggest lie that they could tell you on your face that they can bear with your craziness. Well maybe they can bear at times, but not all the times. Sometimes for them, it’s quite irritating and yeah a bit of annoyed of course. Before this I really hate when anyone acted like he/ she is really cool, acted that he/she likes our stuffs, lied to us by telling how good we look in any stupid looking outfits, lied to us by telling that guy/girl might like us although he/she doesn’t return our call, lied to us by telling us that we are not fat but actually we do although we are not that fat, it just maybe we have lack of confidence? They are just trying to make us feel better. But you know what, things like this do exist! We need these kind of things to survive in this cruel world. We need someone to sweeten our bitter life and that’s gonna make our life bittersweet.  But actually it’s not the world who has been cruel to us but apparently PEOPLE. PEOPLE like us whom actually make this world cruel. Do you think that your current friends are your truly friends? Well think again, honey! They might disappear in your sight at any second, so you, I mean us, have to prepare and get ready for this kind of consequences. It might happen, trust me. It has happened to me. And here I am writing about this on blogspot. Kind of pathetic but I just feel like it to share with others. Thanks for reading although you might get offended by reading this. I am sorry for this. LIFE JUST WORK OUT LIKE THAT.

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