I met him in MMU Contsruct Camp 2010 in December, that year. He was sitting somewhere near me. At that time, we both didn't even know who the heck we are. I never thought that I would actually met my other half in that camp. :)
I was sitting right behind me. Can you see me? LOL |
We both had no idea that we sat close to each other at that time. In the next activity, as you can see, we were standing quite near to each other. LOL
Me : Green T-Shirt Kiat : Yellow T-Shirt |
LOL. We were in the same group to cross the bridge. |
I still remember he came to me and asked me how did I feel when I was doing abseiling cause he knew that i was scared of height, so did him. I was talking to him but IDK what happened, someone called me to play other stuffs so I didn't get to talk to him after that. During that camp, we always sat next to each other and talked non-stop. We even played tai-ti sometimes. I remember he came to my dorm and called me to play ta-ti, and we tried to stay up all night. In the end, we both gave up and tried to sleep. LOL. After that camp, he added me on facebook. He claimed that I was the first person from the camp that he looked and added on facebook. I was so happy that time. Yeah, I had a lil crush on him at that time. Ever since we were friends on facebook, we always chatted on facebook. Yeah, I was the one who always started the conversation. And I stayed up most of the nights just to talk to him. There was this one night, I stayed up till 5 am just to talk to him. I was never bored or got tired of talking to him. No joke. I think I must have really liked him at that time. Back then, I was a good girl. I slept before 1am. But after I met him, he made my sleeping time changed. Yes, I still blame him for that until today. LOL. We just kept in touch after that and we exchanged our numbers because we wanted to take pictures from Najib. So we promised to meet at STAD to see Najib. I assumed he was being friendly cause he asked me to go out lunch with him after that. We had lunch at Paparich. OMG I swear he was the first guy I've ever met that could never stop talking, which made me to like him more. IDK was it a coincidence cause my friend texted me that she booked an extra movie ticket for that night. I was still with him and I asked him if he was interested watching a horror movie with my friends and I. At first he said NO because he had plans with his friends. And I forgot what happened, it's either he ditched his friends or the plan got canceled, and he said he wanted to join us for the movies. You don't know how happy I was when he said YES. :D
We had lunch together AGAIN. We look alike right? :p |
Look at that smile :D
We were not even together this time but we always have matching tops! p/s : We didn't plan this okay? Hehe We were in the tennis court waiting for our friends. |
Someone took this picture without us knowing about it. :p |
We were quite close but we were just friends. |
Look at that eye-contact. Eceh. :p |
He came to see my performance though he had his midterm in the next day. He told me he wouldn't come but in the end he surprised me! I was really touched. |
He was a very good friend. At that point, I was really hoping that my feelings weren't one sided. |
January 7th, 2011
I will never forget this. All thanks to Paranormal Activity 2. :) |
This is when we got officially in a relationship with each other. It just happened. We didn't talk about it and we just went with the flow. We only talked about it on July 8th in super early in the morning. I wish I could turn back time and just stay at that moment. :) |
So this is our first couple activity ; charity trip to orphanage. |
With the kids <3 |
I was avoiding a dog. One thing you should know about me, I'm very scared of dogs. But thank god , he was around to protect me. <3 |
Emi's belated birthday celebration at Sunway Pyramid in January. |
:) |
Farhan's early birthday celebration in February. |
Look at that face! :D We didn't plan to wear the same looking-outfit. We looked like some super rockstar right? Selalu baju sama. Ish. :p |
Farhan's birthday party! |
Chocolates with his name on it. :) |
Our first time joining OC together. It was in March. :) |
On April 16th, 2011. A day I shall remember. :) |
My first birthday celebration with him. He was my first boyfriend to celebrate my birthday. Thank you bei. :) |
Same colour t-shirt again! |
Another shot of us. :) |
We wore the same colour tops again though we were faraway. He was back in his hometown and I was in MMU. |
Black and yellow. -Wiz Khalifa. LOL |
He came to CAC orientation just to support my emcee-ing. Such a great boyfriend right? ) |
Last picture taken before we broke up somewhere in July. |
<3 |
So we broke up for 7 months. In these 7 months period, I learnt a lot of things. I really hated July 5th, 2011 before this. But now I realised, without July 5th, I would never know how much he meant to me. So it's true that in relationship, we have ups and downs. I've been going through so-called hell for 7 months. I had to blog what I truly felt during that period. I was really weak. I really thank Fisah for asking me to blog about it and let everything out on my blog. I felt really good doing that. Yeah, some of my friends called me pathetic or whatsoever for blogging about my breakups but frankly speaking, it helped me a lot. I may seem strong and independent but I'm also very weak. Maybe some of you know how it feels to be like me. I'm a workaholic and I don't care about what people say about me. I always do stuffs alone. When he first came to my life, he made me to be so dependent on him. I was/am very thankful of his presence. It feels so nice to have someone to hold onto when you're feeling super down. Although we already broke up that time, sometimes we would talk to each other, being friendly towards each other.
.jpg) |
Bumped into him with his new gf when I first clubbed at MOS, Sunway. You don't know how it feels to see him holding other girl's hands. It was tough. It was supposed to be a great night. But IDK why we just kept bumping into each other. |
We joined OC together but this time not as a couple anymore. It was in October. |
We were friends and both of us were quite cool with each other at that time. |
Another Christmas celebration with him. I didn't expect to see him during Christmas. In X'max 2010, we celebrated together. So when we went to Sarah's party, it's kind of celebrating it together. Ergh that time! IDK why I kept bumping into him. It made me went crazy! |
Yeah, happy friends. I was really glad that we could still be friends after what had happened to us. Alhamdulillah. :) |
Ian's Christmas party. |
Jeng jeng jeng!
After that, February came! :) In February, we started talking back like really talk. Somehow, the connection and chemistry were still there, and both of us were quite comfortable with each other. We talked about almost everything and the feelings started to grow back again. Last time, we used to had this perfect or right timing. I always come and find him at the right time. Like in February, we both felt right and it was the right time to get back together. Until know, we still have that right timing. And it's true about good things happen to those who wait patiently. <3
First picture taken as a couple in this new relationship. |
We were studying for finals. LOL |
Had an awesome dinner at MidValley Mall. |
Went to Jacq's birthday party. Hehe |
One Utama! |
He loves me liddat :p |
My bff and my bf. <3 |
Nad's birthday party. |
During March '12 OC. Came back early to Cyber to surprise him. |
Worked together at Proton's event. |
He tried to hug me. Silly him |
Both in white! :D |
Had an awesome date in KL :) |
Melaka trip! |
He droves us to Melaka! :D |
He met my mom, finally. I talked to mom about us getting back together. Mom was pretty shocked about it. After all those months, finally she asked me, "WHAT TRULY HAPPENED BETWEEN YOU GUYS BEFORE THIS? WHY DID YOU BREAK UP?' . Now, mom is pretty okay about us dating again. She's accepting it slowly but she told me once, she likes Kiat a lot. :) hehe |
My birthday! I have always wished that we could celebrate my birthday together. Never knew it truly happened. I was really glad that we celebrated my birthday for the second time. <3 |
My birthday surprise! My friends called him to join the surprise party. How sweet of them. :) |
At Carmen's birthday. Two retards. LOL |
His birthday. <3 Celebrated together for the 2nd time. <3 |
Birthday boy was sweating like mad on that night! |
Tomorrow is July 5th, a day I shall remember. A day that used to give me nightmares. It's okay, past is past. What matters the most is what we learnt from it. :)
Dear sayang, I love you so much and obviously, you do know about it. I would never get tired of reminding you everyday that I love you. There's a reason we are back together now. Let's make this 2nd chance worth fighting for.
With love,